Monday, October 20, 2014

CVL401: Advanced RCC - Syllabus for Mid Term Examinations (Backlog)

The following topics are included in the Syllabus for Mid Term Examinations (Backlog) of CVL401: Advanced RCC:
  1. Design of Staircases
  2. Design of Flat Slabs
  3. Design of isolated, strip and combined footings

Friday, October 17, 2014

Backlog subjects with faculty and students list

Based upon the form filled by you, the faculty has been allotted for the subjects. You are adviced to contact the faculty for your ca and the syllabus for mte.

These are the courses which are being taught by the civil engg department. For the courses of other departments, you may contact the respective departments.

Backlog subjects with faculty and students list

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Backlog Improvement forms for the Odd Term

Backlog and Improvement forms for the Odd term are being filled till 10th Oct. Anyone who wishes to fill the form, may contact the SET Exam cell in 301, SET1

Friday, September 5, 2014

Contact details for Alumni Association

Dear Students,

We are planning to start an Alumni Association of Dept. of Civil Engineering at Sharda University. This would serve as a platform for all of you to connect with us and each other.

Kindly fill this general information form.

We would love to hear more from you. Do stop by and meet us if you are in the area.

Best wishes.
Dept. of Civil Engg.
Sharda University

Monday, July 28, 2014

Admit cards for ETE are available

Admit cards for the end term examination are available in the department. You will need to bring in your photographs for obtaining the same. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

C.A marks of Advance R.C.C

2009 Batch
 Roll No.
C.A Marks

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Summer Term Lab Exams on 31st July, 2014

The ETE of the following lab shall be conducted on 31st July, 2014. The internal examiner for the lab shall be Pinaki Nayak. You may contact her for more details.

3421 CVL 051 Geoinformatics Lab CE
3381 CVL 351 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Lab CE
3382 CVL 352 Structural Analysis Lab CE
3402 CVL 452 Fluvial Hydraulics Lab CE
3403 CVL 453 Technical Seminar CE
3404 CVL 454 Project CE
15065 CVP 210 Surveying Lab CE
15066 CVP 211 Soil Mechanics Lab CE
15031 CVP 654 Environmental Engineering Lab M. Tech.-CE (Environmental Engg.)

The students are adviced to meet the internal examiner on or before the date to seek any clarification.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Regarding Assignment of Advance R.C.C

Following students have not submitted their assignment of Advance R.C.C and hence awarded ZERO marks in C.A or only the marks of first class test.


Monday, July 21, 2014

It is to inform all students appearing for summer term 2014, that you verify your enrollment in people soft for those subjects which you have selected for summer term. If any problem then contact to department immediately. 
Prashant mukherjee
deptt. of civil engg.


All students who have not submitted their assignment of Advance R.C.C till Saturday (19th July2014) are advised to submit their assignment latest by Tuesday (22nd July 2014), otherwise they will be awarded ZERO marks in C.A.

Monday, July 14, 2014

M.T.E Marks of Advance RCC (2009 Batch)

M.T.E Marks of Advance RCC (2009 Batch)

Roll No.
M.T.E Marks

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

CVL 204: CA marks of SA backlog

SA backlog/Imp. MTE marks: Structural Analysis (SA)

MTE marks of Structural Analysis (SA): CVL 204 are given in the table below. Those who want to know their mistakes in MTE, may pl. come and see your answer script on or before 10-07-2014, 1:00pm (FN). After this time, they will be submitted back to exam cell.

1 90107054 HARMEET SINGH  0
2 90107136 SHIVAM DWIVEDI  0
3 100107047 AYUSH AMRIT 3
4 100107068 Eisar Ul Mushtaq Absent
5 100107071 Gautam Chadha 1
6 100107145 PANKAJ KUMAR SINGH  0
7 100107156 PRASHANT VARSHNEY  Absent
8 100107181 ROMIT SHARMA  5
9 100107184 RUPENDRA SINGH ANURAG  Absent
10 100107194 SATYAJEET RANA  Absent
11 100107223 SURYA PRATAP NIRAJ  3
12 100107225 SYED MOHD RAHIL VAKEEL  5
13 100107226 TARUN  4
14 100107240 VIKAS SINGH  1
15 100107502 HARI PRATAP SINGH  5
16 100107097 Kumar Arpit 1
17 100107078 HASEEB MUSHAQ 4
18 100107058 danish ahmad 3
19 100107157 Prashant Yadav 5
20 100107002 Abdul Wahid Askim 0
21 90107806 DEEPAK CHOUDHARY  0
22 90107031 ARUN CHAUDHRY Absent
23 100107011 ADITYA SHAKHER Absent

Test schedule of Env Engg-II

Env. Engg-II tests will be conducted on the following dates (at 2 pm) and the mentioned syllabus.

July 11:                         Mid term Syllabus
July 15                          primary treatment
July 18                          Secondary treatment, suspended growth
July 21                          Secondary Treatment, attached growth

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

GI Test #2 & 3 for backlog students

The questions for GI Test #2 and #3 can be accessed from this link. The test shall be conducted as per the below schedule,

test #2: 11th July, 2014 at 11:00am in my cabin (Questions 1-5)
test #3: 16th July, 2014 at 11:00am in my cabin. (Questions 6-10)

Survey Test #2 for backlog students

The questions for test #2 can be accessed form this link. Test shall be conducted at 10:00am on 11th July, 2014 in my cabin.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

TEST SCHEDULE OF CVL 303 Design of concrete structure

TEST SCHEDULE OF CVL 303 Design of concrete structure
07/07/2014 10:00AM Designs ofsingly reinforced, doubly reinforced & flanged beam and check for shear
11/07/2014 10:00AM Design of one way and two way slab 
14/07/2014 10:00AM Columns subject to axial compression and Design for bond
18/07/2014 10:00AM  Design of footing
Continuous assessment marks will be totally based upon your test performance .

TEST SCHEDULE OF CVL 304 Design of steel structure

TEST SCHEDULE OF CVL 304 Design of steel structure
07/07/2014 9:00AM Design of laterlly supported and unsupported beams
11/07/2014 9:00AM Design of slab and gusset base,Design of column
14/07/2014 9:00AM Grillage footing and ecccentric riveted or welded connections
18/07/2014 9:00AM  Design of industrial building
Continuous assessment marks will be totally based upon your test performance .

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

faculty assigned for adv rcc and concrete structures

Faculty has been assigned for Adv RCC and Concrete Structures. They are,

Advanced RCC: Shamshad Alam
Concrete Structures: Meenu Kalra

Both these subjects are in self-study mode. Contact the concerned faculty for more information.

Friday, June 27, 2014

minor changes in the mte schedule of civil engg subjects

cvl212 has been moved to 30th june shift 1100-1230
cvl202, 301 and 213 is on 2nd july 1100-1230pm
cvl206 is on 4th july 1100-1230pm
cvl213 has been removed from 5th july 0900-1030am
cvl212 has been removed from 5th july 0100-0230pm

quantity survey (oel011) is an open elective paper of 8th term. this paper shall be on 6th july 0300-0430pm

final schedule shall be uploaded on the blog as and when it is received from the exam cell. if not, see the notice board for final schedule.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Summer Term MTE Tentative Schedule

The tentative summer term mid term exam schedule has been prepared with all the subjects. You are adviced to check the same and let us know if there is any subject missing or if there is any clash. This needs to reported by tomorrow (27th June) 10:00am so that necessary corrections are incorporated. No further request of change shall be entertained.

Summer Term MTE Tentative Schedule

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

MTE Schedule: Tentative

You can access the tentative MTE schedule from the below link. You are adviced to check your civil engg courses and in case of any clash, report to me, immediately. Clash, if any, not reported by 25th June, shall not be entertained. The exam starts from 30th June.

Tentative MTE Schedule.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Survey Backlog test#1: 26th June, 2014 @11:00am

Survey Backlog test#1: 26th June, 2014 @11:00am

The questions for survey backlog can be accessed from this link.

The students registered for the course are,

90107087 200900807  NAZAR ALAM
90107103 2009000897  PRAVEEN BANSAL
100107199 2010001563  SAURABH YADAV 
90107033 2009000407  ASHEESH PANDEY

Friday, June 20, 2014

FH syllabus for summer term

FH Summer term Assessment  (Quiz-2)

Students those who have FH as a subject for summer term need to attend a quiz every week.
This week it will be held as per the details given below:
Date- 23.06.2014( Friday)   
Time- 12.25 pm   (Room no-206 SET-II)
Topics covered- Unit-II (Refer Syllabus)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Summer Term (Self Study): SA Class tests

Schedule of Class Tests for CA marks; Summer Term Subject: Structural Analysis (CVL204); 

Name of TestSyllabusDate of TestTimeVenue
Test-1 Columns & Struts; Numerical problems & derivations 18/06/2014 2:00-3:00pm Room 205; SET-2
Test-2 Propped beams & Fixed beams 25/06/2014 2:00-2:30pm Room 205; SET-3
Test-3 Continuous beams; three moment equation /Clapeyron’s theorem. 02/07/2014 2:00-2:30pm Room 205; SET-3
Test-4 Slope deflection method & Energy theorems 09/07/2014 2:00-2:30pm Room 205; SET-3

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

FH Summer term Assesement

Students those who have FH as a subject for summer term need to attend a quiz every week.
This week it will be held as per the details given below:
Date- 20.06.2014( Friday)   
Time- 1.20 pm   (Room no-305 SET-II)
Topics covered- Unit-I (Refer Syllabus)

BMC summer term CA exam

Those students who have taken BMC subject for summer term are required to attend the exam on
Date- 20.06.2014 (Friday)
Time- 12.25 pm (room no.-304 SET-II)
Topics covered- Cement, concrete, lime, mortar, ferrous and non-ferrous material

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Course of Summer Term

Faculty responsible for the courses being taught in the summer term.

Course Code Subject Faculty1 (9th June-30th June) Faculty2 (1st July-20th July)
CVL209 Engg Mechanics Visiting Faculty
CVL210 Principles of Surveying Gaurav Goel Anil
CVL211 Soil Mechanics Sarmistha Prashant Mukherjee
CVL214 MODS Syed Emmad Prashant Kumar
CVL212 Design of Steel Structures Chhavi Meenu
CVL307 BMC Pinaki Nayak KP Singh
CVL401 Advanced RCC To be allocated (new faculty)  
CVL013 Design of Pre-Stress Concrete Syed Emmad  
CVL402 Fluvial Hydraulics Pinaki Nayak KP Singh
CVL304 Steel Structures Chhavi Meenu
CVL203 MODS JDurgaprasad  
CVL204 Structural Analysis Prashant  
CVL212 is the equivalent course of CVL304 (contact the faculty for more info)
CVL214 is the equivalent course of CVL203 (contact the faculty for more info)
Last six courses are being offered in "self-study" mode (for 2009 and 2010 batch students). CA shall be given based upon the test conducted. For more information, contact the concerned faculty and see the blog for updates