Friday, June 27, 2014

minor changes in the mte schedule of civil engg subjects

cvl212 has been moved to 30th june shift 1100-1230
cvl202, 301 and 213 is on 2nd july 1100-1230pm
cvl206 is on 4th july 1100-1230pm
cvl213 has been removed from 5th july 0900-1030am
cvl212 has been removed from 5th july 0100-0230pm

quantity survey (oel011) is an open elective paper of 8th term. this paper shall be on 6th july 0300-0430pm

final schedule shall be uploaded on the blog as and when it is received from the exam cell. if not, see the notice board for final schedule.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Summer Term MTE Tentative Schedule

The tentative summer term mid term exam schedule has been prepared with all the subjects. You are adviced to check the same and let us know if there is any subject missing or if there is any clash. This needs to reported by tomorrow (27th June) 10:00am so that necessary corrections are incorporated. No further request of change shall be entertained.

Summer Term MTE Tentative Schedule

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

MTE Schedule: Tentative

You can access the tentative MTE schedule from the below link. You are adviced to check your civil engg courses and in case of any clash, report to me, immediately. Clash, if any, not reported by 25th June, shall not be entertained. The exam starts from 30th June.

Tentative MTE Schedule.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Survey Backlog test#1: 26th June, 2014 @11:00am

Survey Backlog test#1: 26th June, 2014 @11:00am

The questions for survey backlog can be accessed from this link.

The students registered for the course are,

90107087 200900807  NAZAR ALAM
90107103 2009000897  PRAVEEN BANSAL
100107199 2010001563  SAURABH YADAV 
90107033 2009000407  ASHEESH PANDEY

Friday, June 20, 2014

FH syllabus for summer term

FH Summer term Assessment  (Quiz-2)

Students those who have FH as a subject for summer term need to attend a quiz every week.
This week it will be held as per the details given below:
Date- 23.06.2014( Friday)   
Time- 12.25 pm   (Room no-206 SET-II)
Topics covered- Unit-II (Refer Syllabus)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Summer Term (Self Study): SA Class tests

Schedule of Class Tests for CA marks; Summer Term Subject: Structural Analysis (CVL204); 

Name of TestSyllabusDate of TestTimeVenue
Test-1 Columns & Struts; Numerical problems & derivations 18/06/2014 2:00-3:00pm Room 205; SET-2
Test-2 Propped beams & Fixed beams 25/06/2014 2:00-2:30pm Room 205; SET-3
Test-3 Continuous beams; three moment equation /Clapeyron’s theorem. 02/07/2014 2:00-2:30pm Room 205; SET-3
Test-4 Slope deflection method & Energy theorems 09/07/2014 2:00-2:30pm Room 205; SET-3

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

FH Summer term Assesement

Students those who have FH as a subject for summer term need to attend a quiz every week.
This week it will be held as per the details given below:
Date- 20.06.2014( Friday)   
Time- 1.20 pm   (Room no-305 SET-II)
Topics covered- Unit-I (Refer Syllabus)

BMC summer term CA exam

Those students who have taken BMC subject for summer term are required to attend the exam on
Date- 20.06.2014 (Friday)
Time- 12.25 pm (room no.-304 SET-II)
Topics covered- Cement, concrete, lime, mortar, ferrous and non-ferrous material

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Course of Summer Term

Faculty responsible for the courses being taught in the summer term.

Course Code Subject Faculty1 (9th June-30th June) Faculty2 (1st July-20th July)
CVL209 Engg Mechanics Visiting Faculty
CVL210 Principles of Surveying Gaurav Goel Anil
CVL211 Soil Mechanics Sarmistha Prashant Mukherjee
CVL214 MODS Syed Emmad Prashant Kumar
CVL212 Design of Steel Structures Chhavi Meenu
CVL307 BMC Pinaki Nayak KP Singh
CVL401 Advanced RCC To be allocated (new faculty)  
CVL013 Design of Pre-Stress Concrete Syed Emmad  
CVL402 Fluvial Hydraulics Pinaki Nayak KP Singh
CVL304 Steel Structures Chhavi Meenu
CVL203 MODS JDurgaprasad  
CVL204 Structural Analysis Prashant  
CVL212 is the equivalent course of CVL304 (contact the faculty for more info)
CVL214 is the equivalent course of CVL203 (contact the faculty for more info)
Last six courses are being offered in "self-study" mode (for 2009 and 2010 batch students). CA shall be given based upon the test conducted. For more information, contact the concerned faculty and see the blog for updates

Summer Term: SA (Structural Analysis)

Please find the Syllabus at link below for the Summer Term subject "Structural Analysis".

Please attend the Class Test 1:
Syllabus: 1st Unit (Columns & Struts) from the above syllabus (@link). Only Numerical problems & Derivations.

Date & Time: 18-06-14;   2:00pm to 3:00pm.

Venue: Room:   205 SET-2.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Summer Term Forms Filled

As per the forms filled by you for the summer term, you are advised to see the data from the below link and report to us, if there is any change needed. If the request of change is not received to my office latest by 13th June, we shall be sending the data to the exam cell for further processing and then no changes shall be accepted.
