Assignment for Steel Structure CVL 305(Summer Term) is uploaded
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Structure CVL 305
Compression Member
Date- 05/07/2012
Last Submission Date- 12/07/2012
Q1. What is understood by terms:
i)effective length
ii) radius of gyration iii)
slenderness ratio?
How do the end connections and the shape of the section of
the strut influence these?
Q2. Design a double angle compression member carrying a
compressive load of 210kN and the strut length between centre to centre of
intersection is 2.6m. Given f y=250 MPa.
Q3. Design a single angle compression member carrying a
compressive load of 115kN and the strut length between centre to centre of
intersection is 190cm.Design also the end connection (ie. riveted and welded).