Thursday, January 24, 2013

Project group and faculty assigned

Those who have submitted their group and area of interest have been assigned faculty with whom they have to work. 

The list of students with their guide and area of interest can be seen from here

The guidelines for the project is as,

* There are five students in each group
* Every group has to be assigned a topic on which they shall be working for the next 3 months (till 30th april, 2013). The topic has to be decided by this week (ending 24th Jan)
* Once the topic has been decided and agreed, the group shall prepare a document on the same with the following,
    ** Topic
    ** Aims and Objectives
    ** Methodolgy
    ** Data required
    ** Analysis/ Tests to be performed
this document needs to be submitted by 30th jan, 2013
* Once the above has been decided and agreed by the faculty, the group shall start the work
* The group and the faculty shall estimate the requirement of labs/ tests to be performed, whether the same can be done inhouse or the group will have to be sent somewhere and also if there is any expense involved
* The group shall perform the experiments/ tests and keep a track of the same. Meet the assigned faculty at least once every week to see discuss and seek guidance. Should you need to redo the aims and objectives, do it.
* Document everything you are doing so that the same can be included in the report.
* Take photographs of the process which shall also to be included in the report
The project should be such that there should be some analysis involved not just collecting the data or designing. The problem needs to be defined and accordingly the project needs to be evolved.
This shall be treated as two courses as it has 8credits. Internal shall be awarded based upon your involvement in the project, work done, tasks assigned vs performed. The final evaluation shall be based on the report, presentation and viva. Externals shall be called at the time of examination and the viva shall be conducted.

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