After today's round of presentations it was observed that most of you are not taking the project work seriously. The project carries 8 credits and is the most important part of your B Tech degree. We have decided on the Internal Marks Breakup and important deadlines to monitor your progress through the term. If you fail to meet any of the deadlines, you will lose all the marks assigned for that activity.
Total Marks: 100 (Internal) + 100 (External) = 200
Activity Marks Date
Synopsis Submission 20 Feb 4
Synopsis Presentation 20 Feb 16
Progress Presentation-I 20 Mar 30
Progress Presentation-II 20 April 20
Project Report Submission April 30
Monthly progress report by Guide 20
You are all required to meet with your project guide at least once a week, as per your guide's schedule. The mutually agreed meeting time needs to be intimated to either Prof. Satyaprakash/Dr. Gaurav Saini/Mrs. Meenu Kalra. The guide will submit a monthly progress report of each group under his/her guidance, which will be the basis of 10% of your total marks.