Out of the total 158 registered students, 152 appeared in the Mid Term examination of the paper "Basics of Surveying".
You have seen the question paper and most of you shall agree that the questions were all from the slides, what I taught you in the class. I do not think, anything was beyond that.
I am posting the questions below,
1. What do you mean by Surveying? Whether it is Science and Arts? Explain. List different types of Surveying based on “Type of measurement” and “Platform used”. What is the end product of Surveying?
2. What is/ are the quantity measured using the following instruments, Laser Range Finder; Dumpy Level; Chain, Total Station, compass and GPS. Why surveying in important to Civil Engineers? (3+1)
3. List the basic methods used in surveying. Explain them in brief. Explain the following terms with appropriate examples:
a) Representative factor
b) Scale
c) Accuracy
d) Precision
4. Solve the following,
i) A rectangular plot in plan is 20cm x 40 cm, drawn to scale of 1cm = 500 m. If the same plot is drawn on a toposheet of 1:50,000, what would be the area on the toposheet. (2)
ii) A 300 m tape used for measuring aline was found to be 30.01 m at the beginning and 30.03 at the end of the work. The area of the plan drawn to a scale of 1:1000 was found to be 5146 mm2. Compute the correct area of the field. (2)
Section B
5. Solve the following,
i) a)
; c) 3.22+5.1021+103.313+7.1; d) What would be the number 165.1, if a precision of 0.001 is used and 0.1 is used. (2)

ii) State the “Principle of Surveying”. What is degree of accuracy and state the different order of accuracy? (2)
6. A steel tape was exactly 20 m long at 200 C when supported throughout its length under a pull of 5 kg. A line measured with this tape under a pull of 16 kg and at a mean temperature of 320C, was found to be 680 m long. Assuming the tape is supported at every 20 m; find the true length of the line. Given that (a) Cross-sectional area of the tape= 0.03 cm2, (b) Young’s Modulus=2.1x106 kg/cm2, (c) Thermal coefficient of expansion= 11 x 10-6 per 0C and (d) weight of tape = 10 g/cc. (4)
7. Answer the following,
i) Explain the term hypotenuse allowance. (1)
ii) There is an obstacle in the form of a pond on the main chain line AB. Two points C and D were taken on the opposite sides of the pond. A line CE of length 100m was drawn on the left side of line CD and another line CF of length 80m was drawn on the right side of CD (opposite direction of CE), such that E, D and F are in a straight line. Determine the obstruction length CD, where ED=60m and DF=56m. (3)
8. Determine the values of Stadia constants (additive constant and multiplying constant) from the following observations,
Instrument Station | Staff reading on | Distance | Stadia Readings | |
Lower | Upper | |||
O | A | 150 | 1.255 | 2.750 |
B | 200 | 1.000 | 3.000 | |
C | 250 | 0.750 | 3.255 |