Thursday, December 27, 2012

Registration dates and mentor list

There has been some changes to the section, groups and mentor for the next term. You may access the New List. You are also advised to contact your respective mentors for the registration date and process. The tentative dates are,

2nd yr: 3 & 4 Jan'13
3rd yr: 4 & 5 Jan'13
4th yr: 5 & 7 Jan'13

The details of the new sections, groups, mentors and their contact numbers are available in the new list.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Showing ETE answer scripts

Schedule for showing the ETE answer scripts to the students
Dec 26th, 2012: (3rd yr and 4th yr)
10am - 11am: GeoInformatic Engineering and Fluid Mechanics
11am - 12noon: Concrete and Transportation
12noon - 13pm: Foundation and Adv RCC
14pm - 15pm: Fluvial and Quantity Surveying
15pm - 16pm: Env Engg-II and Trnspt-II

Dec 27th, 2012: (2nd yr and 1st yr)10am - 11am: Basics of Survey
11am - 12noon: MODS
12noon - 13pm: Hydrology
14pm – 16pm: GeoScience

Venue: 308, SET-1

The above timings and dates shall strictly be followed. Do not complain or insist if you have missed the above deadlines.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Non submission of Technical Seminar presentation

Following students have not submitted their technical seminar presentation. If their presentations are not received latest by 21/12/2012 (9 AM sharp), marks will be deducted for non submission.

SN Roll number Name
1 90107014 ALOK SINGH
4 90107087 NAZAR ALAM
5 90107101 PRATEEK JAIN
7 90107112 RAHUL SHARMA
8 90107117 RISHABH GARG
9 90107122 RUBAK SINGH
10 90107129 SAVAR TREHAN
12 90107132 SHASHWAT RAI
15 90107136 SHIVAM DWIVEDI
16 90107137 SHIVAM SINGH
17 90107138 SHIWANGI GUPTA
18 90107143 SPALZES DOLMA
19 90107144 SUJEET KUMAR RAM
20 90107152 VARUN KAUSHIK
21 90107154 VIKAS VERMA
22 90107155 VIPUL VERMA
23 90107501 AVNEET SINGH
24 90107805 DAWA
25 90107812 MOHD. ASIM
26 90107816 SHOBHIT TYAGI
27 90107820 TSHEWANG DORJI

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Technical Seminar (Urgent)

Dear All,
For Technical Seminar (starting from 18 Dec 2012), you have to be ready with 10 minute presentation (individual, on your approved topic). Also you need to either email me ( or submit your presentation in a CD.
Please note that you should be dressed in formals,
Students are expected to maintain decorum and sit quietly throughout the presentation, 
Students are encouraged to ask good question from the presenter, after he/she finishes his/her presentation, 

The technical seminar will run in two parallel shifts.

Technical Seminar
S. N. Group        Date of Exam        Time of Exam
1      G1 (1-25)          18-Dec            9:30-4:00
2      G2 (26-50)         18-Dec           9:30-4:00
3        G3 (51-75)        19-Dec           9:30-4:00
4      G4 (76-100)        19-Dec           9:30-4:00
5       G5 (101-125)       20-Dec          9:30-4:00
6        G6 (126-141)       20-Dec          9:30-2:00

Saturday, December 15, 2012

List of Students for Practical Exam

The list of students can be accessed from here. Use the serial number here to appear in the practical exam.

FH practical

Those who have submitted there practical records must collect it before the practical exams.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Practical Exam schedule

Here is the schedule for practical examination:

Fluvial Hydraulics Lab
S. N. Group Date of Exam  Time of Exam
1 G1 17-Dec 9:30-11:30
2 G2 17-Dec 11:30-1:30
3 G3 17-Dec 2:00-4:00
4 G4 18-Dec 9:30-11:30
5 G5 18-Dec 11:30-1:00

Structural Analysis and Design Lab
S. N. Roll no  Date of Exam  Time of Exam
1 G1 20-Dec 9:30-11:30
2 G2 20-Dec 11:30-1:30
3 G3 20-Dec 2:00-4:00
4 G4 21-Dec 9:30-11:30
5 G5 21-Dec 11:30-1:00

The groups are defined by the serial number of students according to their roll no. A listing will be posted shortly.
For SAD and FH lab, the Groups have been divided as follows:

The technical seminar will run in two parallel shifts.

Technical Seminar
S. N. Group Date of Exam  Time of Exam
1 G1 (1-25) 18-Dec 9:30-4:00
2 G2 (26-50) 18-Dec 9:30-4:00
3 G3 (51-75) 19-Dec 9:30-4:00
4 G4 (76-100) 19-Dec 9:30-4:00
5 G5 (101-125) 20-Dec 9:30-4:00
6 G6 (126-141) 20-Dec 9:30-2:00

Friday, December 7, 2012

Urgent..Debarred in PSE...!!!!!

The following students are debarred from appearing in the PSE exam are required to meet HOD sir with their admit card tomorrow (08.12.12)(sat) by sharp 9 am in the morning or before that.
Roll No.Student Name
90107087NAZAR ALAM 
90107081MOHSIN ZAMA 
90107146SUNIL YADAV 
90107155VIPUL VERMA 

Hydrology - End Term Examination

All the students appearing for Hydrology - End Term Examination are supposed to bring the tables having the Curve Numbers. These are available in page 157 and 158 of Engineering Hydrology by Subramanya.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

debarred students in PSE

the following students are debarred from appearing in the PSE exam due to lack to attendance. they are adviced not to come to the exam hall.

Roll No. Student Name
90107087 NAZAR ALAM 
90107081 MOHSIN ZAMA 
90107108 RACHIT KUMAR 
90107137 SHIVAM SINGH 
90107146 SUNIL YADAV 
90107155 VIPUL VERMA 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

PSE syllabus and question paper format for end term exam

Syllabus of 4th Year (Semester VII)

Professional Skills Enhancement (PSE)

Subject Code: PCM-401         Full Marks-100            Lectures – 2-0-4 per week                                                                                                                  Credits - 4

Module I         Introduction to the Corporate environment - 2 lectures
                        Expectations from a fresh graduate
                        Role and Responsibilities
                        Matching industry’s expectations with candidates’

Module II       Towards Increasing Efficiency and Effectiveness at Workplace - 4 lectures
Interpersonal Skills like problem solving, listening and feedback, handling criticism, etc --- Case studies highlighting interpersonal behaviour
                        Leadership and Team working
                        Adaptability and Flexibility in the work environment
Input from psychology: perception, developing positive attitude towards people and work. Conflict resolving, , Emotional control: EQ.

Module III      Aptitude in Business English Communication (Revision exercises and Tests) -                                                                                                  8 lectures
                        Ability to construct meaningful sentences in a formal setting
                        Ability to read and comprehend (short articles),
write effective   summaries
                        Ability to communicate in writing (letters, memos, emails)
                        Ability to speak coherently and convey the required message in a group setting (Role Plays)

Module IV      Personality Tree Exercise to identify personality traits - 2 lectures
                        Understanding of one’s value system, life structure, relationships, qualities, aspirations, accomplishments, areas of improvement, through a group participatory exercise
How to leverage on the Personality Tree output during the interview
                        Identify own traits required for the job applied for
                        Match them with own traits to show an optimum fit
Videos on psychological aspects to create understanding of Interpersonal behavior.

Module V       Group Discussions (GD) - 10 lectures
                        Types of GDs
                        Techniques for success in GDs
                        Body Language, Communication, Content, Teamwork, Leadership
                        DOs and DON’Ts
                        Mock GD sessions (Topics and Case based)
                        Demonstration and Practice with emphasis on four main areas viz.                       Communication skills, Thought content, Group dynamics, Team working and                                   leadership

Module VI      Preparing for Personal Interviews - 10 lectures
                        Pre-interview planning
                        Dress Code
                        Body Language
                        HR Interviews-Analytical and Behavioural Interviews
                        Stress Interviews
                        DOs and DON’Ts
                        Mock Interviews in class for demonstration purposes
                        Golden Questions and how to develop answers to them
                        Resume Writing/Covering Letter
                        Art of presenting oneself with confidence in a natural manner

Module VII    Corporate Culture - 2 lectures
                        Corporate Etiquette
                        Work ethics in a corporate environment

Module VIII   Ethics and Values Based Behaviour - 2 lectures
(Suggestion: We can move this module to the middle of the course, and give some reading stimuli appropriate to the area, and then use topics drawn from some of the stimuli in the group discussions to be conducted in class.)

Module IX      Problem solving and Aptitude Test---10 sessions

Questions Type No. of Ques. Marks per question Total Marks Suggested time per Q Total Time in min
Section 1: PSE 1 ( Soft skills)
Objective Multiple Choice (level 1) 30 0.5 15 1 30
Objective Multiple Choice (level 2) 10 1 10 2 20
Short Answers 8 5 40 5 40
Section Totals 48 65 90

Section 2:PSE II (Aptitude and Reasoning)
level 1 16 0.5 8 1 16
level 2 12 1 12 2 24
level 3 10 1.5 15 3 30
Section Totals 38 35 70
Settling down, planning and revision 20
Total 86 100 180

Friday, November 30, 2012

Tech Seminar: 4 students to report immediately

These 4 students are yet to appear for their Viva of Technical seminar. They are required to report immediately to Dr. Gaurav or Prof. SatyaPrakash to avoid failing the course.

  1. Saurabh Sharma (90107127)
  2. Sujeet Kumar (90107144)
  3. Varun Kaushik (90107152)
  4. Zaid Khan (90107159)
They will need written permission from Prof. Satyaprakash to appear for the viva.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Admit Card Distribution

Those students who have their attendances 75% or above in all the subjects, can collect their admit cards from my office as per the below schedule,

Date: 29th Nov, 2012
Venue: Cabin No. 5, Room No. 202, SET-2
  4th yr: 10:00am-11:00am
  3rd yr: 11:00am - 12:00 noon
  2nd yr: 12:00noon - 01:00pm

Anyone missing the above deadline, shall get their admit cards on 1st Dec, 2012.

The attendance of all other students, whose attendances are less than 75% in any subject (as per the displayed attendance) shall be recalculated after the last day of the class, i.e., 30th and if they are able to attain the required attendance, shall get their admit card on 1st Dec, 2012. Schedule shall be displayed soon.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


And you thought technology is making you smarter: Think again


A study claims that evolution’s making us dumber, and internet, smartphones, reality shows and junk food are to blame

SCIENCE SPEAK: “The entertainment we consume can influence our emotions and behaviour” – according to the study, A Story About a Stupid Person Can Make You Act Stupid (or Smart), by Markus Appel. 
WHAT IT MEANS: You are what you watch and watching dumb people do dumb stuff can make you dumb too. Researchers conducted a study wherein they made people watch a video called “foolish soccer hooligan” – a man who wakes up, gets drunk, goes to a soccer match and picks a fight. Another group of people watched the story’s longer version where the guy does nothing stupid. The latter beat the former at a general knowledge test. 

SCIENCE SPEAK: “Scientists say people who constantly multitask are more easily distracted. Such task-switching, aka multi-tasking, has been shown in several studies to increase stress, which can interfere with short-term memory, leading to more mistakes,” according to a magazine. 
WHAT THAT MEANS: How many us deserve a degree in Angry Birds rather than whatever course we were pursuing in college, considering how many hours in every lecture were dedicated to slaying those pigs? Do you feel the sudden desperation to type “whatsupp dude” to anyone on your contact list the minute your boss starts a meeting? Blame the smartphone. Thanks to it, we just don’t have any attention span left. It also makes us think we’re superhumans who can text, drive and sing all the lyrics to the new Justin Bieber song – all at the same time. Isn’t that evidence enough of our stupidity? What good have smartphones done till now anyway? How is “gr8 prty c u l8r” better than the grunting of our prehistoric ancestors? Although there still isn’t any neurological study to substantiate the fact that smartphones make us dumb, there are “distraction studies” aplenty.

SCIENCE SPEAK: Children who eat junk food grow up with a lower IQ. The brain grows at its fastest during the first three years and good nutrition during this period may encourage optimal brain growth. – Briston University study WHAT IT MEANS: You mean junk food makes us fat and stupid? If you hadn’t yet lost your will to live, here’s another piece of bad news – sugar makes you dumb too. Researchers at UCLA found that rats had a harder time navigating a maze after eating a fructose-only diet.So,umm,if you find yourself a bit dumber post-Diwali and all the kaaju ki barfis you ate at the time, this probably explains it.

SCIENCE SPEAK: Google is replacing our brains. Earlier we had fewer resources (ie books) to gain information and knowing we didn’t have 24/7 access to those meant our brains stored the information. With the advent of Google, our brains no longer know how to retain the info, according to Forensic Psychology. 
ing Google is marginally better than flushing your brain down the toilet. Think that was a little too harsh? Well, that was nothing compared to the website’s melodramatic ending to the study: ‘if Google were to explode, so would our memory’. All this sounds like a plot of one of those Will Smith vs the Robots movies, we know, but this is real life! Kritika Kapoor


Saturday, November 24, 2012

CVL 303: Concrete Structures - Backlog - Course Presentation

All the backlog students who want to give their course presentation for CVL303: Concrete Structures should send their topics and group members to on or before 25-11-2012.

The presentation will take place in Room No. 206, SET-II on 26-11-2012 from 1.20 p.m. onwards.

The students who fail send their details before the deadline will not be entertained to discuss about this.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Attendance till 22nd Nov

You may access the attendances till 22nd Nov 2012 from here. The attendances given has been calculated from the date of registration/ start of class, whichever is later. However, the medical or any other leave has not been accounted for.

FH ppt

Those who are left with their presentation are required to give ppt on 26.11.12 (Mon) at 1.30 pm positively. After that no ppts will be accepted. 

Imp: Change in Vij Construction's Interview Date

Vij Construction will conduct the interviews on Nov. 25 instead of Nov. 28. The college will provide no transport for the process.

Everything else, including the timings are same.

You are all required to reach the designated venue on your own.

It is mandatory that you dress and behave professionally.


classes till 30th

This is to inform you that the classes shall be conducted till 30th Nov, 2012 and as per the ETE schedule, the examination starts form 3rd Dec, 2012. The attendance shall also be counted till 30th Nov, 2012.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

CVL 202: Hydrology - Course Presentation for Backlog Students

The course presentation for backlog students will be conducted in Room No. 210 SET-II on 23-11-2012 from 2.00 p.m. onwards. All the students who are failing give the presentation will not be given any other chance.

ETE schedule

fee due

the below students are adviced to submit the dues or else they will not be allowed to appear in the end-term examination, as the admit card shall not be issued to them, even if they have attendance more than 75%

Branch : Civil     

1 09SETCIVL007 Vaibhav Tyagi                8,580 Registered 
2 09SETCIVL044 Jyoti Singh Ghunawat                4,780 Registered 
3 09SETCIVL062 Ankit Raj              76,920 Registered 
4 09SETCIVL076 Shekhar Srivastava                4,600 Registered 
5 09SETCIVL077 Krishana Garg            135,800 Registered 
6 09SETCIVL078 Ankit Sharma                1,060 Registered 
7 09SETCIVL087 Bibin Babu                4,900 Registered 
8 09SETCIVL090 Zeb Hussain                4,900 Registered 
9 09SETCIVL100 Aishvary              22,800 Registered 
10 09SETCIVL120 Anuj Kumar Singh              32,300 Registered 
11 09SETCIVL153 Mohd Latif                5,390 Registered 
12 09SETCIVL158 Abhishek Singh                2,800 Registered 
13 09SETCIVL171 Shivam Singh              30,100 Registered 
14 09SETCIVL186 Rishabh Garg                9,000 Registered 
15 09SETCIVL205 Asheesh Pandey                8,080 Registered 
16 09SETCIVL216 Ankur Srivastava                4,900 Registered 
17 09SETCIVL239 Kinzang Dorji                2,000 Registered  International Division
18 09SETCIVL244 Dawa              22,300 Registered  International Division
19 09SETCIVL249 Tshewang Dorji              22,000 Registered  International Division

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Quiz (Quantity Surveying) - 23 Nov 2012

A quiz based on entire syllabus will be conducted this Friday for both the sections.

Bring a blank A4 page and a pen. No other accessory is allowed or required.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Backlog Students of CVL 301: Fluid mechanics and Hydraulics

Schedule of Test, PPTs and Assignments of CVL 301: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics

Now the final date for these evaluations is fixed on 26th November, 2012 at 10 AM. After this date and time, I wont allow anyone in any case.

Technical Seminar: Topic submission deadline

The deadline to submit Approved topics for Technical Seminar is Friday, Nov 23.
You are required to discuss the topics with Dr. Gaurav or Prof. Satyaprakash and once approved submit a brief 250 words write-up to Dr. Gaurav.

In case your topic has already been approved, do submit the write-up (if not already done). If the project was approved by Prof. Satyaprakash, do submit your write-up with signature from Prof. Satyaprakash.

Technical Seminar: Internal exam next week

The internal exam for the Technical Seminar course will be held next week. The schedule is as follows:

Sec A- G1: Monday, Nov. 26, 9-11:30 am
Sec A-G2: Monday Nov. 26, 11:30- 2 pm

Sec B-G1: Tuesday, Nov. 27, 9-11:30 am
Sec B-G2: Tuesday, Nov. 27, 11:30-2 pm

(The timing is subjected to change as per needs of the exam and the responsibilities of the examiners)

Format: 5 minute oral presentation (no power point slides required/needed) to discuss the aim of the project, methods involved, results and conclusions.

Quiz on Friday: Env. Engg-II

There is going to be a quiz based on Units-IV and V this friday during the first lecture for both the sections.
Be prepared.

Bring a blank A4 page and a pen. No other accessory is allowed or required.

Monday, November 19, 2012

FE (CVL - 302) Class test

Class test for backlog students will be held on 21 Nov. 2012 at 2:15 pm.

Syllabus : Retaining wall (numerical & short type)

FE Slides(CVL-302)

FH LAB Question bank

The FH lab VIVA questions can be assessed here.

FH LAB shedule

CIVIL 7th sem SECTION A GROUP 1 - 23.11.12 (fri)   (10.35 am)
                       SECTION A GROUP 2 - 21.11.12 (wed) (12.25pm)
                       SECTION B GROUP 1 - 22.11.12 (thur)  (2.15pm)
                       SECTION B GROUP 2 - 22.11.12 (thur)  (10.35 am)

Mera Gaon Mera Base

UltraTech launches the pioneering competition – “ Innovate for India “. The competition is the first of its kind in the country and is instituted for india’s budding Engineers and Architects hailing over 500 Engineering and 100 Architectural institutes.

This year’s theme “ Mera Gaon Mera Base “ Challenge pays tribute to India’s rural landscape by empowering these students with an opportunity to trace back their roots and give back to their villages a design idea & solution that is an architectural or engineering need of the region. The Competition requires the student to spend a few days in a village, observing analyzing and resolving an architectural or engineering necessity.
“Mera Gaon Mera Base” Challenge is backed by an eminent jury comprising renowed names such as Er. CHEWANG NORPHEL  (member of the Leh Nutrition Project) and Ar. NIMESH PATEL & Ar. PARUL ZAVER   (specializing in designing the built environment using passive means for human comfort systems ) among others.


    Rs 75,000/-
       Rs 75,000/-
1st  Runner up
    Rs 50,000/-
       Rs 50,000/-
2nd Runner up
    Rs 25,000/-
       Rs 25,000/-


Top 10 entries will get featured on MGMB website.
Top 10 colleges with highest submissions will get a congratulatory plaque.

This competition closes on 22nd November 2012

For more information on the same, do visit