Sunday, December 2, 2012

PSE syllabus and question paper format for end term exam

Syllabus of 4th Year (Semester VII)

Professional Skills Enhancement (PSE)

Subject Code: PCM-401         Full Marks-100            Lectures – 2-0-4 per week                                                                                                                  Credits - 4

Module I         Introduction to the Corporate environment - 2 lectures
                        Expectations from a fresh graduate
                        Role and Responsibilities
                        Matching industry’s expectations with candidates’

Module II       Towards Increasing Efficiency and Effectiveness at Workplace - 4 lectures
Interpersonal Skills like problem solving, listening and feedback, handling criticism, etc --- Case studies highlighting interpersonal behaviour
                        Leadership and Team working
                        Adaptability and Flexibility in the work environment
Input from psychology: perception, developing positive attitude towards people and work. Conflict resolving, , Emotional control: EQ.

Module III      Aptitude in Business English Communication (Revision exercises and Tests) -                                                                                                  8 lectures
                        Ability to construct meaningful sentences in a formal setting
                        Ability to read and comprehend (short articles),
write effective   summaries
                        Ability to communicate in writing (letters, memos, emails)
                        Ability to speak coherently and convey the required message in a group setting (Role Plays)

Module IV      Personality Tree Exercise to identify personality traits - 2 lectures
                        Understanding of one’s value system, life structure, relationships, qualities, aspirations, accomplishments, areas of improvement, through a group participatory exercise
How to leverage on the Personality Tree output during the interview
                        Identify own traits required for the job applied for
                        Match them with own traits to show an optimum fit
Videos on psychological aspects to create understanding of Interpersonal behavior.

Module V       Group Discussions (GD) - 10 lectures
                        Types of GDs
                        Techniques for success in GDs
                        Body Language, Communication, Content, Teamwork, Leadership
                        DOs and DON’Ts
                        Mock GD sessions (Topics and Case based)
                        Demonstration and Practice with emphasis on four main areas viz.                       Communication skills, Thought content, Group dynamics, Team working and                                   leadership

Module VI      Preparing for Personal Interviews - 10 lectures
                        Pre-interview planning
                        Dress Code
                        Body Language
                        HR Interviews-Analytical and Behavioural Interviews
                        Stress Interviews
                        DOs and DON’Ts
                        Mock Interviews in class for demonstration purposes
                        Golden Questions and how to develop answers to them
                        Resume Writing/Covering Letter
                        Art of presenting oneself with confidence in a natural manner

Module VII    Corporate Culture - 2 lectures
                        Corporate Etiquette
                        Work ethics in a corporate environment

Module VIII   Ethics and Values Based Behaviour - 2 lectures
(Suggestion: We can move this module to the middle of the course, and give some reading stimuli appropriate to the area, and then use topics drawn from some of the stimuli in the group discussions to be conducted in class.)

Module IX      Problem solving and Aptitude Test---10 sessions

Questions Type No. of Ques. Marks per question Total Marks Suggested time per Q Total Time in min
Section 1: PSE 1 ( Soft skills)
Objective Multiple Choice (level 1) 30 0.5 15 1 30
Objective Multiple Choice (level 2) 10 1 10 2 20
Short Answers 8 5 40 5 40
Section Totals 48 65 90

Section 2:PSE II (Aptitude and Reasoning)
level 1 16 0.5 8 1 16
level 2 12 1 12 2 24
level 3 10 1.5 15 3 30
Section Totals 38 35 70
Settling down, planning and revision 20
Total 86 100 180

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