Sunday, August 12, 2012

7th semester syllabus

Syllabus VIIth Semester

  1. Advanced RCC
  2. Fluvial Hydraulics
  3. Environmental Engg.-II
  4. Transportation Engg.- II
  5. Quantity Surveying
  6. PCM course
  1. Design Lab
  2. Hydraulics Lab

CVL 401: Advanced R.C.C. (3-1-0)
UNIT 1: Design of Staircase                                                                          (8)
Types of stairs according to geometry and structural behavior planning a staircase – effective span of stairs – effective breadth of flight slab- distribution of loads on flights – design of cantilever steps – design of doglegged and open well stairs spanning parallel to the flight.

UNIT 2: Slab                                                                                                            (9)
Nature of Stresses in flat slabs with and without drops, coefficient for design of flat slabs, reinforcement in flat slabs. (IS Code Method).

UNIT 3: Design of beams                                                                                (8)
Analysis and design of beam curved in plan, Structural behaviour of footings, design of footing for a wall and a single column, combined rectangular and trapezoidal footings, Design of Raft foundation, Strip and strap footing. Design of Grid floor.

UNIT 4: Design of Retaining Wall                                                                   (9)
Structural behaviour of retaining wall, stability of retaining wall against overturning and sliding, Design of T-shaped retaining wall, Concept of Counter fort retaining wall, Loads, forces and I.R.C. bridge loadings, Design of R.C. slab culvert. Introduction to composite structure.

UNIT 5: Design of Tanks                                                                                 (6)
Design criteria, material specifications and permissible stresses for tanks, design concept of circular and rectangular tanks situated on the ground, design of overhead tanks.

Text Books:
1.     Park R. and Pauley.,  Reinforced Concrete Structures, John Wiley, 1975.
2.     P. Dayaratnam, Reinforced Concrete Design, Oxford and IBH, 2011

Reference Books:
1.  Latest IS: 456 codes.
2.  Latest IS: 875 Code of Practice for Design Loads (Parts I, II & III).
3.  Latest IS: 800 Use of Structural Steel in General Building Constructions, BIS.
4.  Latest IRC 6 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for road Bridges, IRC.
5.  P. C. Varghese, Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, Prentice Hall India, 2004.
6.  Mallick & Gupta, Reinforced Concrete Vol.II, Oxford & IBH, 2007.

CVL 402: Fluvial Hydraulics (3-1-0)

Unit 1: Introduction                                                                              (15)
Origin, Properties of sediments, size, shape, fall velocity and its effects, orientation, grain size distribution, Difference between rigid and alluvial channels, Incipient motion of sediment particles, Different approaches to study sediment motion, lift force approach, tractive force approach, theoretical and sub theoretical analysis of Shield, White and others. Types of bed forms or regimes of flow.

Unit 2: Types of flow                                                                             (12)
Regimes of flow, complexities of regimes in Natural streams, Resistance of flow and velocity distribution in alluvial streams, Bed load transport and saltation, bed load equations, board on dimensional considerations, suspended load transport - mechanism, general equation of diffusion, Total load transport, microspcopic and macroscopic method, suspended load sampling.

Unit 3: Flood                                                                                            (8)
Bed level variation in alluvial streams, stream bed changes during floods, degradation, aggradation, silting of reservoirs, variation in plan form of streams, River training for flood control

Unit 4: Channels                                                                                       (5)
Critical tractive force method for design of stable channels, comparison of the design with traditional methods

Text Books:
1.     Graf, W.H., Hydraulics of Sediment Transport, McGraw Hill International, 1984.
2.     Garde R.J. and Rangaraju K.G, Mechanics of sediment transportation and alluvial stream   problems, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 2010.

Reference Books:
1.     Raudkivi, A.J. Loose boundary hydraulics, Pergamon Press, 1998.

CVL 005: Environmental Engineering-II (3-1-0)
Unit 1: Wastewater Engineering                                                              (6)
Wastewater characteristics: composition and microbiology of wastewater, BOD kinetics.

Unit 2: Wastewater Treatment Design                                                    (8)
Wastewater treatment: Basic design consideration, principles of reactor design and process flow sheets. Primary sludge Treatment- Grit removal, sedimentation.

Unit 3: Health Engineering                                                                    (12)
Theory and design of biological treatment processes and Sections. Design of aerobic Suspended growth systems including activated sludge process and aerated lagoon.

Unit 4: Water Treatment                                                                         (6)
Theory and design of aerobic attached growth systems including trickling filter and rotating biological contactor.

Unit 5: Sewage Treament                                                                         (8)
Theory and design of waste stabilization ponds and oxidation ditches. Design considerations of anaerobic treatment systems, basics of anaerobic digestors, Sewage treatment plant layout, concept of sustainable wastewater treatment.

Text Books:
1.     Peavy, Rowe and Techobanoglous, Environmental Engineering, TMH, 1986.
2.     Metcalf and Eddy Inc. Wastewater Engineering, TMH, 2002.
3.     Steel and McGhee, Water Supply and Sewerage, PHI, 1979.
4.      Hammer and hammer Jr., Water and Wastewater Technology, PHI, 2007.

1.     Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment, C.P. H.E. E. O., Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, New Delhi, 2005.

CVL 007: Transportation Engineering-II (3-1-0)
Unit 1: Introduction                                                                              (10)
Development and organization of Indian Railways. Modern trends in railways: MAGLEV, TUBE, METRO. Permanent way: Sub-grade, formation, embankment and cutting, track drainage. Rails: Rail gauges, types of rails, defects in rails, rail failure, creep of rail, Coning of Wheels, Tilting of Rails, Rail Joints, Creep of Rails. Rail Fastenings: Fish plates, spikes, chairs, keys, bearing plates. Sleepers : Timber, steel, cast iron, concrete and prestressed concrete sleepers, manufacturing of concrete sleepers, sleeper density, Adzing of Sleepers,. Ballast: Ballast materials, size of ballast, screening of ballast, specification of ballast, tests on ballast.

Unit 2: Railway Geomtric                                                                        (9)        
Gradients, horizontal curves, super-elevation, safe speed on curves, cant deficiency, negative super elevation, compensation for curvature on gradients, track resistance and tractive power. Points & Crossings : Elements of a simple turn-out, details of switch, details of crossings, number & angle of crossings, design of turn-out.

Unit 3: Stations and Yards                                                                       (9)
Site selection for a railway station, layout of different types of stations, classification of stations, types of railway yard, functions of Marshalling yards. Signalling & Interlocking : Classification of signals, method of train working, absolute block system, mechanical interlocking of a two line railway station.

Unit 4: Airport Engineering                                                                     (7)
General, Advantages / disadvantages of air transport, Structure & organization of air transport, Airport planning and site selection and classification of airports. Wind direction, duration and intensity; use of Wind Rose diagram. Obstructions, zoning laws, approach zones, turning zones. Principle of design of run ways, their configuration and orientation. Design of taxiways. Location and utility of aprons, landing strips, hangars. Typical airport layout. Air port marking, and lighting. Air Traffic Control - Airway and airport traffic control, instrumental landing system and air navigational aids.

Unit 5: Harbours and Docks                                                                     (5)
Harbours, Introduction, classification, natural phenomenon affecing the design of harbour viz. wind, wave, tide and currents. Harbor layout with component parts, breakwaters, wharfs and Quays, Jetties and Piers, Dry Dock and Wet Dock, Slipways, Navigational aids. Warehouse and Transit shed.

Text Books:
1.     William W. H. Introduction to Transportation Engineering, Wiley, Newyork, 1977.
2.     Saxena, S.C., Airport Planning & Design, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2010.
3.     Aggarwal, M.M. Railway Engineering, Prabha and Company, New Delhi, 1997.

OEL 011: Quantity Surveying (3-1-0)
Unit 1: Estimation and Costing                                                                (3)
General items of work in Building – Standard Units Principles of working out quantities for detailed and abstract estimates – Approximate method of Estimating.

Unit 2: Estimation of Buildings                                                                (8)
Detailed Estimates of Buildings.

Unit 3: Earthwork Estimation                                                                  (6)
Earthwork for roads and canals.

Unit 4: Rate Analysis                                                                               (6)
Rate Analysis – Working out data for various items of work over head and contingent charges.

Unit 5: Bar Bending                                                                                  (4)
Reinforcement bar bending and bar requirement schedules.

Unit 6: Contracts                                                                                     (8)
Contracts – Types of contracts – Contract Documents – Conditions of contract

Unit 7: Building Valuation                                                                        (2)
Valuation of buildings.

Unit 8: Specifications                                                                              (3)
Standard specifications for different items of building construction.

Text Books:
1.     Willy, Trench and Lee, Willy’s Element of Quantity Surveying, Wiley-Blackwell, 2005
2.     Dutta B.N. Estimating and Costing, UBS publishers, 2000.
3.     Cartlidge, D., New Aspects of Quantity Surveying, Spon Press 2011

1.     Standard Schedule of rates and standard data book by public works department.
2.     Latest I.S. 1200 (Parts I to XXV: method of measurement of building and Civil Engineering works – B.I.S.)
3.     National Building Code 2005.